Kinds of Pronoun

There are some words that are used as pronouns which we may not know that they are pronouns. Such pronouns, according to their work are classified into different kinds. This lesson deals with the different kinds of pronouns with proper definition.

A. Reflexive Pronoun

When - 'self' is added to the pronoun the action reflects on the subject. So they are called reflexive pronouns.


  1. I  blamed myself.
  2. He hurt himself.
  3. They praised themselves.
  4. The little dog bit itself.
  5. You always appreciate yourself.

B.  Emphatic Pronoun:

When the pronouns are used to emphasis they are called emphatic pronouns.


  1. We ourselves can paint it.
  2. He himself explained everything.
  3. The principal herself gave us permission.
  4. I myself arranged everything.
  5. You yourselves can manage the situation.

C. Demonstrative Pronoun:

When the pronouns are used to point out the object to which they refer, they are called demonstrative pronouns.


  1. This is the camera I bought yesterday.
  2. I would like to buy that sari.
  3. Those are the boys from Ooty.
  4. This is bigger than that.
  5. That is my house.

When they are used with nouns they are called emphatic adjectives


  1. This table is broken.
  2. Such snacks must be avoided.
  3. That house is vacant.
  4. These mangoes are sweet.
  5. Those books are very interesting.

D. Indefinite Pronoun:

Pronouns which refer to persons or things in a general way are called indefinite pronouns.


  1. We should do good to others.
  2. One cannot achieve everything.
  3. All were killed in the air crash.
  4. Some are really intelligent.
  5. None is responsible for it.

E. Distributive Pronoun:

Some pronouns like 'each', 'either', neither are called distributive pronouns as they refer to person or thing one at a time.


  1. Each of the member gets a chance
  2. Each lady sings a song.
  3. Either of these fruits is good.
  4. Neither of the boys is honest.
  5. Either of you gets a punishment.


  • Distributive pronouns are always singular.
  • They have singular verbs.
  • Each refers to one in a group.
  • Either refers to one or the other of the two.  used only for two.
  • Neither -not one or the other of the two.
  • Any, no  one, none - more than two
  • Each, either, neither - used as adjective too followed by singular nouns.

F. Relative Pronouns:

They relate to some noun going before them.


  1. This is the man who works in London.
  2. This is the boy whose application is rejected.
  3. These are the girls whose project is excellent.
  4. That is the business man whom I met.
  5. This is the famous painter whom you want to see.


  • Who is used only for persons.
    • The man who works hard will succeed. 
  • Who is sometimes used for animals too.
    • This is the neighbour's log who barks at everybody.
  • Which: used for things and animals, some times for a sentence, for both singular and plural.
  • The book which you gave me was very useful tome.

I) The manager is said to be very honest which is absolutely gave wrong.

  • That is used for persons and things. 
  • This is the poet that wrote the love song.

II) We wish to see the palace that was built by the maharaja.

That is also used after the words - all, same, any, none, only and nothing.

  1. All that quitters is not gold.
  2. The minister is same man that he has been (rarely used).

III) She is the only doctor that is sincere.

what refers to things only.

  • They accepted what she presented. Please listen to what he says.

G. Interrogative Pronouns:

Pronouns used for asking questions are called interrogative pronouns.


  1. Which is your native place?
  2. Who is your manger?
  3. What do you want.
  4. Whom do you like to appoint?
  5. Whose is this box?

Make sure of your understanding:

I. Fill in the blanks:

  1. We like persons _______________ are honest.
  2. Mr. Joan is a man ________________ you can trust.
  3. We can believe _______________ she says.
  4. What is the price of the house ______________ you bought?
  5. I met the mother _______________ daughter came first in +2.

II. Join the sentences using connectives:

  1. I saw a lake. It is full of water.
  2. The stranger entered my house. My dog bit the stranger.
  3. Here is the painter. He drew the picture.
  4. The audience saw the cultural programme. They enjoyed very much.
  5. I  bought a sari. It is very beautiful.


I. Fill in the blanks:

  1. who
  2. whom
  3. what
  4. that
  5. whose

II. Join the sentences using connectives:

  1. I saw a lake which is full of water.
  2. The stranger entered my house whom my dog bit.
  3. Here is the painter who drew the picture.
  4. The audience who saw the cultural programme enjoyed very much.
  5. I bought a sari which is very beautiful.

Exception Occured:

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#1 [internal function]: check_for_fatal()
#2 {main}
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#2 /home/dh_czz6eb/ log_exception(ErrorException)
#3 /home/dh_czz6eb/ log_error(8192, 'Optional parameter $per_page declared before required parameter $href is implicitly treated as a required parameter', '/home/dh_czz6eb/', 193)
#4 (): check_for_fatal()