Comparison of Adjectives

Adjectives change in form to show comparison . They are called the three Degrees of comparison. Let's learn it in this chapter.
  1. Mary's bag is big.
  2. Sheela's bag is bigger than Mary's.
  3. Reeta's bag is the biggest of all.

In the above sentences the underlined adjectives show the degree of the quality of the thing. The adjective 'big' shows just the quality without saying 'how much' Hence, it is positive degree. Adjective 'bigger' shows a higher degree of quality. Hence it is comparative degree. The adjective 'biggest' shows the greatest or highest degree of quality. Hence it is called superlative degree.

There are different ways of forming these abjectives of comparison. Let's see some examples now:

By adding-er-est:

small smaller smallest
sweet sweeter sweetest
young younger youngest
bold bolder boldest
clever cleverer cleverest
great greater greatest
short shorter shortest
kind kinder kindest
strong stronger strongest
long longer longest

By adding- 'r',-'st':

Large longer largest
brave braver bravest
noble nobler noblest
wise wiser wisest
fine finer finest
simple simpler simples

By changing-'y' into-'i' and adding-er, -est.:

happy happier happiest
wealthy wealthier wealthiest
healthy healthier healthiest
heavy heavier heaviest
sickly sicklier sickliest
funny funnier funniest
puny punier puniest

By doubling the consonant and adding- 'er',-'est':

big bigger biggest
red redder reddest
fat falter fattest
hot hotter hottest
thin thinner thinnest
sad sadder saddest

By adding more ant most:

beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
courageous more courageous most courageous
difficult more difficult most difficult
faithful more faithful most faithful
dangerous more dangerous most dangerous
industrious more industrious most industrious

Some irregular comparisons:

good, well better best
bad, ill, evil worse worst
little less, lesser least
much (uncountable) more most(quantity)
many (countable) more most(number)
late later, latter latest, last
old older, elder oldest, eldest
far father farthest


Identify the adjectives and have their degree of comparison:

  1. I will not buy such things.
  2. This is a good book.
  3. This child has less problems.
  4. The singer has sweet voice.
  5. He is the wealthiest person here.
  6. This subject is the most difficult one, I think.
  7. We need a bigger house.
  8. She has written same answer again.
  9. I believe he is a clever boy.
  10. He is a nobler man in this group.


  1. I will not buy such things (has no degree of comparison.)
  2. This is a good book.(positive degree)
  3. This child has less problems(comparative degree)
  4. The singer has sweet voice. (positive degree)
  5. He is the wealthiest person here (superlative degree)
  6. This subject is the most difficult one, I think (superlative degree)
  7. We need a bigger house (comparative degree)
  8. She has written same answer again.(has no degree of comparison)
  9. I believe he is a clever boy (positive degree)
  10. He is a nobler man in this group (comparative degree)

Exception Occured:

Messageerror_log(app.log): Failed to open stream: Permission denied
Trace#0 (): log_error(2, 'error_log(app.log): Failed to open stream: Permission denied', '/home/dh_czz6eb/', 36)
#1 /home/dh_czz6eb/ error_log('09-02-2025 15:54:06 pm (IST),/home/dh_czz6eb/,193,0,ErrorException,Optional parameter $per_page declared before required parameter $href is implicitly treated as a required parameter,/english/comparison-of-adjectives.html,#0 /home/dh_czz6eb/ log_error(8192, 'Optional parame...', '/home/dh_czz6eb...', 193)
#1 [internal function]: check_for_fatal()
#2 {main}
', 3, 'app.log')
#2 /home/dh_czz6eb/ log_exception(ErrorException)
#3 /home/dh_czz6eb/ log_error(8192, 'Optional parameter $per_page declared before required parameter $href is implicitly treated as a required parameter', '/home/dh_czz6eb/', 193)
#4 (): check_for_fatal()