Parts of Speech

The first step to learn English is to know about the parts of speech. It is very important to know to know about the work done by the different parts of speech in a sentence. Then only you will be able to place them in the proper places and use them corre

Be familiar with the fundamentals of English!

Joe Hello! My dear rock star, How do you do now? Are you better?
John Hello, Sir, Good evening! It a pleasant surprise to see you!
Joe Of course! to me too. But my dear boy, It is not, 'It a pleasant surprise'. It is a pleasant surprise.
John Must I use 'is' there, sir?
Joe Definitely, yes! Because, it is the verb.  You cannot say/write a sentence without verb.
John Why Sir,
Joe It is the very important part of speech.
John Part of Speech!?
Joe yes! There are eight parts of speech.
John Eight! Wove! Could you teach me them, Sir?
Joe Sure, boy, But not now.  Let's start next week.
John Thank you, Sir.

Parts of Speech

The words, according to their work in a sentence are called 'Parts of Speech'. They are Eight in number:

I. Noun

Noun is used to name a person, thing, place, animal and quality.


  1. Matthew is a good boy.
  2. Victoria is the queen of England.
  3. Helan of Troy is very beautiful.
  4. Alfred Tennyson is a poet.
  5. Solomon is the king of wisdom.
  6. Singapore is a rich city.
  7. This table is very big.
  8. Cricket is an interesting game.
  9. We saw a lion.
  10. Honesty is the best policy.

Note : The underlined words are names in  common or in particular.

II. Pronoun

It is used instead of a noun.


  1. Silvia is a teacher. She teaches us English.
  2. Russel is a writer. He wrote many essays.
  3. The actors have arrived. They are ready now.

III. Adjective

It says something more about a noun or pronoun.


  1. Nora is a good dancer.
  2. I have twenty pencils.
  3. Shakespeare is a great dramatist.
  4. He likes the green shirt.
  5. Austin is an intelligent boy.

IV. Verb

It expresses an action or state.


  1. Bryan played well.
  2. Violet dances gracefully.
  3. We met our teacher.
  4. He is a doctor.
  5. Olyvia is an astronaut.
  6. He became an engineer.

V. Adverb

It adds to the meaning of a verb, an  adjective, another adverb.


  1. She runs fast. - Verb
  2. The scenery is very beautiful. - Adjective.
  3. He solved the problem quite logically. - Adverb.

VI. Preposition

It shows the relation of the noun or pronoun to something else. (or) shows the place or position of a noun or pronoun.


  1. The ball is under the table.
  2. Keep your books in your bag.
  3. The book is on the table.

VII. Conjunction

It is used to join words/phrases/sentences.


  1. Keats and Shelley are poets.
  2. Bruce ran fast but he missed the bus.

VIII. Interjection

It expresses a sudden feeling/mood of the speaker.


  1. Hurrah! We won the world cup!
  2. Alas! He is betrayed!
  3. What a lovely picture!

Check your understanding on Parts of Speech

Mention the part of speech for the underlined words:

  1. The bear climbs up the tree.
  2. Obedience makes you a good leader.
  3. I'll finish it while you sleep.
  4. Mary went to the market.
  5. How beautiful is the rain!
  6. Wordsworth is a great poet.
  7. You must read fast.
  8. Robin is an engineer. He is very sincere.


  1. Prenoun
  2. Noun
  3. Conjunction
  4. Verb
  5. Interjection
  6. Adjective
  7. Adverb
  8. Pronoun